Understand who Welld is and how we can support you in your organization. View the Onboarding process and identify the expectations as a new staff member
What is Welld?
Welld is a browser-based fully functional Electronic Wellness Record application that supports the full life-cycle of prevention and lifestyle intervention programming
for community-based organization.
Introduction to Welld Video #1
What to expect as a new staff member to Welld
New Staff Member expectations:
- Supervisor sends you Welld Staff Training email
- Attend Live Virtual Training or Watch Party or watch recording on your own
- Create your Live Welld and Support accounts
- Complete Training Exercises on the Demo Site
- Check our Welld Support Site if you have questions
- Reach out to Welld Support Center via email if still have questions
- That's it!
Three platforms with Welld:
Create/access accounts, get familiar, and practice on the Demo Site.

How to Onboard with Welld:
Timeline is 4-6 weeks for new organizations. If you are a new staff member but your organization is already established with Welld, you can onboard at your own pace as it is self paced and necessary steps are provided on the Welld Support Site.
Start strong with a Live Virtual Training or Team Watch party or watch the recording of your organization's training on your own. Grab some popcorn!
Questions: If you have completed your Training Exercises and your question is related to your program and workflow, please ask your Supervisor what is best practice. If it is Welld related, please reach out to us at support@welldhealth.com if you can not find your answer on the Welld Support Site.
Who is the Welld Support Team?
Next steps... How do I create accounts for Welld?
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