CHIRPs (Check-in Reimbursement Programs) and how they work, their benefits, and what it means to opt-in for your organization.
Why should my studio/gym join? How do these work?
- Members may receive this benefit as a part of their insurance plan. The insurance plan funds Optum and/or ASH, and Optum/ASH pays participating studios based on member usage. Optum offers the Renew Active and One Pass Programs, while ASH offers the Silver&Fit and Active&Fit programs.
- Members may receive this benefit through programs such as Peerfit, Zeamo, Gympass and more. Members may pay a fee to these programs, or their employer may offer it as an additional benefit for eligible employees.
- Joining as a participating gym/studio will potentially open up new revenue streams for your studio. These members may not otherwise go to your gym. Check-in Reimbursement Programs are growing in popularity, both within the insurance and corporative/private realm.
How do I sign up my studio/gym?
- For F45 studios: fill out the form on
- When you have filled the above form out, please email so that the Welld Team can begin your configuration immediately.
- Required Step: Please provide Welld with your studio MindBody ID
- For all others: Your corporate HQ may have an agreement with a payer such as Optum and/or ASH. Contact your corporate HQ for more details.
- The opt-out process may vary, so please contact your HQ to confirm what is needed from you.
How many visits do members get, and how much will I get paid for them?
- For class-based studios or clubs, members will receive a set number of classes. If the member is maxing out their number of classes from these programs, you can then upsell them additional classes. For specific payment rates, contact your HQ.
- For membership-based clubs, these programs typically will reimburse you a monthly amount per check-in or on the first check-in. So make sure these members come in at least once each month! And, if you have additional wraparound services and/or classes at your facility, you can identify opportunities to upsell these services. Members of these programs may not have access to all of the wraparound services, so make sure you are familiar with the details from your HQ.
Can a member visit multiple locations each month? What if I have the same member go to a few of my locations?
- Members of Optum fitness programs can visit multiple studios per month and are allowed the maximum number of classes at each studio. So if the Optum agreement pays for 4 classes a month for a Renew Active member, and you own two studios that member can access, they would be able to attend 4 classes at each studio and you would be reimbursed for 8 total.
- All other studios that are opted into different programs, please reach out to your HQ if you have additional questions. Location rules may vary by program.
Who gets paid for the check-in reimbursement program? Is it the member or studio owner?
- The member does not pay the studio/gym with these programs - they pay a discounted rate or receive it at no cost to them through their benefit program.
- Welld will handle submission of check-ins and payments. Welld will submit the check-ins from the previous month to the payer, who will process usage and issue payment.
What is Welld, and what does it have to do with these Check-in Programs?
- Welld is a Electronic Wellness platform that is used to help users like you run health programs, manage referrals, and handle claims and remits.
- For Check-in reimbursement programs, Welld enables instant eligibility checking, MMS integration for prospect creation and check-in tracking, auto-ending invalid members, and reporting on metrics such as revenue by program, utilization, member volume and more.
- Welld is not the program, it's the technology used to enable these programs.
What do I need to do to register in Welld?
- First Step: If your gym has executed the agreement with Welld and CHIRPs, first contact your HQ about any network calls and/or training videos that may have been provided.
Next Step: Register in Welld. If you haven’t yet created an account at, email to have your account creation invitation email re-sent. Once logged into Welld, you track members of these programs, their visits, and associated payments.
CHIRPs Terms and Definitions
- CHIRPs - Check-in Insurance Reimbursement Programs. Examples include Optum Renew Active/One Pass, Silver Sneakers, Silver & Fit, Direct & Fit, Gympass, and many more. The details of these programs vary, but they typically involve members receiving either free or discounted gym memberships through the program, and the program issuing payment to the gyms. Payment is typically tied to the level of usage by the member.
- MMS - Member Management System is your software used to manage members, schedule classes, take payments, and more. Welld integrates with MMSs such as Mindbody, ClubReady, ABC Fitness, and more.
- Stripe - Payment services provider that lets merchants accept credit and debit cards or other payments. Welld integrates with Stripe to handle payouts. Depending on your agreement, your corporate HQ may be paid and then send remittances to you via normal processes. Check with your HQ to confirm the process.
Benefit ID - Number provided by the insurance company or program to access the fitness benefit. This is different than an insurance member ID.
Enrollment ID - Enrollment ID is a number generated within Welld to identify the program in which a member is enrolled.
- Member ID - ID associated with the member in your MMS. It may also be client ID or a similar name in your MMS.
- Claim - This is the "invoice" being sent to the payer. Welld creates claims on a monthly basis using your fee schedule to show what is being sent to the payer.
Remittance - Also called a "remit", this is the detail of what the payer paid and/or rejected for the claims you sent. "Matched Claims" are the claims included on the remit - one remit will have many claims on it.
- Utilization - The # of visits used / maximum # of visits allowed. If this number is trending low, that's your cue! Have your team check in with that member, encourage them to get the most out of their "free" membership, and make sure your club is maximizing revenue from your check-in programs.
- Fee Schedule - The reimbursement terms in your contract are built into a fee schedule in Welld. This fee schedule converts the members' check-ins into the dollars that you are owed.
- Charged - Total amount being billed to the payer (Optum, ASH, etc.)
- Paid - Total amount paid from the payer. (Optum, ASH, etc.)
- Balance - Charged minus Paid = Balance. A $0 balance means the claim was paid in full!
- Reason Code - A short phrase describing the reason, if any, a claim was not paid by the payer.
- Prospect ID - A string of characters that is assigned to the participant when the self-registration process is completed on the Welld screens and the prospect is inserted into their respective MMS.
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